WORK PACKAGES WP0 Management: this work package includes regular reporting mechanisms as well as the organization of project reviews and the contact with the Commission and the Project Officer. ( ICV WP leader ). The objective of WP0 Project Management” is to provide an efficient management to ensure the overall success of the project

The main WP0 tasks are:

A) Establish management & coordination between partners including defining work methodology, sending reminders to partners about the schedule of deliverables; organizing regular meetings through internet or by phone, once a week, once a month or once every two months depending on the workload to be processed.

B) Establish communication with the Commission’s Project Officer.

C) Edit reports to Commission, based on the content provided by the partners

D) Provide information and presentations on the Forum as requested by the Commission

Internal management deliverables such management meeting reports shall be stored in electronic formats and archived on DVDs. WP1 Network & Community building with Governments and International Organizations. ( UNESCO WP leader, ENSTA, MPG )

Networking at the Intergovernmental and governmental level can only be achieved by a major International Organisation having a mandate in the field. The UNESCO Division for Science Policy and Sustainable Development has been designated as the facilitator of the WSIS C7 e-science action line, and therefore is officially empowered to contact governments and Intergovernmental organizations. ENSTA and the MPG as officially designated moderators of themes of the C7 e-science are going to be able to assist UNESCO in this task.

All participants to each Network & Community building package ( WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 ) are going actively encourage their community to contribute to the content of the green paper and white paper, and conversely to disseminate as widely as possible the green paper and white paper. in their community.

All participants to WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 packages shall participate to important conferences in their respective communities and whenever possible intervene. They shall made efforts to organize workshops, whether formal or informal, in major conferences. Since the organization of such workshops depends much on opportunities and cannot be predicted with certainty, these networking workshops cannot be be accounted as deliverables.

Starting from the second year in the project, all participants to each Network & Community building package ( WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 ) are also going to try to collect financial supports from their respective constituencies, in order to allow the Forum to continue to operate after the financial support from the EU project has come to its end.

All participants to WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 are to write a yearly report summarizing their networking activity in their respective community. This yearly report will be included as a chapter in the project annual report. WP2 Network & Community building with Publishers and Librarians ( MPG WP leader, UNESCO, ENSTA, MDPI, AAU )

The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL), an independent entity of Max Planck Geesellschaft (MPG), is a well known entity with all publishers and librarians and will be able to provide inspired leadership and community building. MPDL has long established ties with the major publishing houses of scholarly publications. Via the signatories of the Berlin Declaration, MPG has access points in the library community worldwide:

Countries of Berlin Declaration signatories

(shown in white) WP3 Network & Community building with research institutions, scholarly associations & working scientists ( ENSTA WP leader, UNESCO, MPG, MDPI, AAU )

All partners are going to contribute to this package, according to their existing contacts, at the national, regional and international levels. Dr. Francis Muguet as coordinator of the Civil Society Working Group on Scientific Information ( ) may already rely on a group of about 100 concerned working scientists, including two Nobel prize winners, to start a wider reach out effort towards working scientists. Academies of Sciences, of Medecine, individually ( National, Regional academies, the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, (TWAS) etc... ) and collectively ( InterAcademy Panel) are going to be interfaced with, pro-actively. WP4 Network building with the business community & civil society ( ENSTA WP leader, MPG, MDPI, ICV, AAU )

The goal is to network with the business community in all its diversity : large businesses with autonomous research departments, SMEs, startups, technology incubators and business angels. The overall business community, besides commercial publishers. ENSTA, MPG, MDPI, ICV participated to the WSIS who provided them with a channel to interface at the highest level with the business community, through the International Chamber of Commerce, based in Paris, and majors world companies. ICV has further opportunities for business contacts through the GAID ( Global Alliance for development ). ENSTA has further opportunities for business contacts with ITU sector members.

ENSTA, MPG, MDPI, ICV participated to the WSIS as Civil Society entities, and as a result, network building with Civil Society is a natural activity and process for them.

AAU might provide additional linkage to the business community and civil society in Africa. WP5 Dissemination & Web Site & Events. ( ICV WP leader , ENSTA, UNESCO, MPG, MDPI, AAU )

The package includes the following tasks :

A) Creating and maintaining a Web site to enable :

A1) internal communication between partners ( managed by WP0 )

A2) external communication from the partners to the outside world (managed by WP5 )

A3) a online Forum with modern tools for interactive discussion between all stakeholders and participatory collaboration between research groups.

A4) hosting the virtual green paper or knowledge base on a Wiki

A4) hosting the virtual white paper or knowledge base on a Wiki.

Use will be made of video interviews and presentations.

The domain names and have been reserved for this purpose.

The web site will be hosted on a dedicated server at ENSTA that will provide bandwidth for free. Web site mirrors may be established, if needed, at the sites of International Organisations.

B) Edition of the green paper and white paper editions. As it is recalled, at certain intervals, the interactive wiki process is to be frozen. All the current content will be edited and compiled into an edition of the green paper and the white paper respectively. This edition or version shall remain as an archive available online. The interactive and continuous wiki process will start again until the next edition. This edition process is going to involve only presentation work, summaries, removal of irrelevant or duplicate material; possible rephrasing. Edition would not include any addition of new content and ideas.

C) Organizing the following events :

C1 ) Initiating a yearly series of international events, flagships of the project and therefore called “Word Forum on Scientific Information” each year, in May in Geneva in the context of the WSIS implementation, with the goal to get gradually permanent funding and sponsorships to make the event self-sustainable after the FP7 project has ended.

C2 ) Three regional inclusive events : in Africa, in Asia and in Australia. .

In Africa, with the help of our partner AAU;

in China with the help of our partner MDPI which has a liaison office and strong links in China. An alternative location that might come under consideration is Bangkok ( seat of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP))

in Australia at Monash University with the generous assistance of Dr. Graeme Johanson, a moderator of one of the themes in the WSIS C7 eScience action line.

D) General dissemination : Press releases, Presentations of the Forum in various conferences and events.

ICVolunteers is the logical choice to lead this package since it participate to the web site, and it organizes the flagship events and interfaces to the regional events.