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LEGAL NOTICE : This site has been set up for the convenience of a Working Group (WG). Although this WG is officially involved in the preparation of the WSIS summit, the content of this site is for information and coordination purposes only. Its content shall not be construed as having a legal value. Content of this site is not endorsed by the United Nations or the International Telecommunication Union. For official documents related to the activity of this WG, the reader is referred to official sites as indicated in our pages. Only these official documents have legal values. The WSIS logo is being used in conformance with the Logo Policy.

TECHNICAL NOTICE : In order to offer a multilingual environment as advocated in our own WSIS contributions, we tried two free machine translation Web servers. One tool (top of each page), by Google, is relatively fast and provides a translated page that stays in the overall frame of this site. The number of sentences per page that are being translated is unfortunately limited. The other tool (bottom of each page), by AltaVista, features three more languages : Chinese,Japanese and Korean, but it is a little slower, is allowing less lines to be translated, and provides a translated page in a new window. Translated results are however strikingly similar.

There is one Open Source Web translation server available : Translator.cx using GPLTrans, but it does not work properly. There is some Free Software or Open Source software under development.

The HTML pages of this site have been written by F. Muguet (WG coordinator) using only Free Software ( GNU/GPL or similar licenses - GNU/Linux OS, MandrakeSoft distribution ) or Open Source software. The lean HTML code should allow an extremely fast display even on slow computers with poor connections. This site may be read with a text-only web browser such as Lynx. Graphics were achieved with the help of GIMP. Official Documents that are unfortunately only available under proprietary formats ( PDF or Word ) have been read (Word) and translated into HTML format for further work, with the help of OpenOffice.

This site is being hosted by MDPI, and is running on a GNU/Linux ( MandrakeSoft distribution, Apache web server ) machine managed by the WG coordinator.

Yet another automated translation tool, it does not allow a seamless site integration as the Google tool, but it translates from English into Chinese,Japanese and Korean.