CONGO daily reports consolidated by Dr. F. Muguet

Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 

This is a very short up-date on today's meetings of the 'closed'
intersessional negotiation group.

Civil society people got a briefing with Ambassador Karklins between 9:15
and 10:00. In addition to his modus operandi for today's meeting, Ambassador
Karklins mentioned that a new proposal from ITU / UNESCO would be officially
circulated (but at the end of the end we have not it yet). We don't know at
this stage if there would be any working group created to find consensus on
articles still under discussion on implementation and follow-up (to be
discussed on Wednesday, depending on the actual work on the Political
Chapeau and Chapter 2).

From those who attended some parts of the meetings, we heard that Karklins
had a very fast first reading of the bracketed paragraphs of the Political
Chapeau (please see Document

WSIS-II/PC-3/DT/12 : ) in order to streamline it, with the hope to get it
stronger and more focused, by deleting all the elements directly copied and
pasted from the Geneva documents. He did not get consensus on this and
therefore get back to Article 1 to start negotiations.


Discussions among States were of course stuck on some contentious issues
(State sovereignty, multi-stakeholder partnerships, debt and trade related
issues), but they went pretty fast on this and many articles were agreed
upon with some changes (paragraphs 1-2; 6 to 8; 10; 13 to 18; 20-21; 23 to
27; 29 to 31; 36; 39; 40 to 42; 44).

Negotiations will continue for compromise texts and need to come back for
para. 3 to 5, 9; 12; 22; 28; 32 to 35 (with main problem on 32 and 33); 37;
39; 43 and 45.

Paragraphs 11, 12 and 19 are to be merged.

Negotiation group still is supposed to get a finalized agreement tomorrow
afternoon on Political Chapeau and Chapter 2, in order to deal with
Implementation and Follow-up mechanism on Wednesday.

We also had a meeting with the UK / EU mission after the afternoon session
during we get an overall report on today's discussion.

Best regards, 

Philippe Dam
CONGO - WSIS CS Secretariat 

This is a very short up-date on the meetings of the 'closed' intersessional negotiation group (Tuesday 25 Oct. 2005). Morning meeting: Financial mechanisms (Chapter 2) The discussion was mainly based on WSIS-II/PC-3/DT/27 ( which contains the text agreed at PrepCom-2, PrepCom-2 alternate text, and Sub-Committee B's Chairman possible proposals further to PrepCom-3. Negotiations were mainly stuck on some texts proposed by G77+China Paragraph 20: 2 options: - G77 (please see attached scanned G77 proposals presented this morning) - Chair's possible proposal slightly amended. Discussions will continue at later stage New paragraph proposed by G77 after para 20 (transfer of technology) New paragraph proposed by G77 after para 27 (corporate responsibility of trans-national corporations) Discussion was engaged on the content of these proposed articles, but no consensus was found on the wording. In addition, it was not supposed to be possible to add new text during PrepCom-3 negotiation group, so that the continuation of the discussion is suspended to a decision on this after consultation with capitals. Paragraph 33: This article will be revisited at late stage since no agreement was found on the wording of this paragraph, but discussions will continue around Chair's possible proposal, with consideration to the G77 proposal. Paragraph 37c) Open source software: to avoid any repetition with para 21 of the political Chapeau, States agreed to delete this article. Paragraph 37f) No consensus was found and we still have 3 options to be discussed further at later stage: - G77 proposal - Chair's proposed text - Text adopted at PrepCom-2 Paragraph 37g) Text agreed as follows: "37 g) Multilateral, regional and bilateral development organizations should consider the utility of creating a virtual forum for the sharing of information by all stakeholders on potential projects, on sources of financing and on institutional financial mechanisms." Deletion of second and third sentence as proposed by the UK Paragraph 37h) Text agreed as follows (with amendment to delete domestic from Senegal and Iran): 37 h) Enabling developing countries to be increasingly able to generate funds for ICTs and to develop financial instruments, including trust funds and seed capital adapted to their economies." Paragraph 37j) Text agreed as follows (amendment by Egypt: "rapid response with the view to support.") "37 j) Multilateral, regional and bilateral development organizations should consider cooperating to enhance their capacity to provide rapid response with the view to support developing countries that request assistance with respect to ICT policies;" Paragraph 37l) States agreed to delete this para (proposed by Brazil) after quite long discussion on neutrality of technology and the notion of universal service. In summary: Agreed paragraphs: 37 g, h, j. Agreed to delete paragraphs 37c and 37 L No agreement on 20, 33, 37f, and newly proposed paragraphs Afternoon session: Political Chapeau: Para. 3: Report from drafting group lead by Russia It had not been possible to reach a text that was acceptable to all. Agreement may be possible within broader agreement on sensitive paragraphs. Para. 4-5: Report from drafting group lead by Norway and Iran Norway will come up with new text later on. Para. 9: New compromise proposed by Russia: "We acknowledge the leading role of governments in the WSIS process, while reaffirming the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder, as outlined (in paragraph 3) of the Geneva Plan of Action." Para. 12: Karklins is leading consultations on new para 12 to replace existing paras 11, 12 and 19. Para. 22: Egypt makes new proposal based on consultations: "We urge governments using the potential of ICTs, to create public systems of information on laws and regulations, envisaging a wider development of public access points and supporting the broad availability of this information." (almost agreed) Para 25 and 28: Drafting group lead by Australia. New para 25: "We recognize the role of ICTs in the protection and in enhancing the development of children. We will strengthen action to protect the children from abuse, and defend their rights, in the context of ICTs. In that context, we emphasize that the best interest of the child are a primary consideration." (Agreed) New para 28: "We reaffirm our commitment to empowering young people as key contributors to building an inclusive Information Society. We will actively engage youth in innovative ICT-based development programmes and widen opportunities for youth to be involved in e-strategy processes." (Agreed) Para 32-33: Karklins presented a new proposal based on already agreed language, but his proposal did not gain support. A new drafting group was formed around El Salvador. Para 34 and 35: Karklins asked if the governments could agree on one of the two almost identical paragraphs. UK (EU) proposed new para 35 based on language in the UNESCO convention: "We undertake to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions, notably by the development and use of local languages ICTs which enhances the involvement of all peoples in the Information Society." US proposed a compromise for para 34 with a few chances: amendment "local and indigenous languages" and change of "protection" to "preservation". EU will lead further consultations on that. Para 37 and 38: Karklins proposed removal of brackets in para 37 and deletion of para 38. Amendment was proposed "... financial, in accordance with Chapter 2, to enable.". Para 37 was agreed (unless UK(EU) or US make an objection tomorrow morning) Para 39: US re-opens agreed para. It is proposed that para 39 in Geneva Declaration of Principles is copied and the first sentence of existing para 39 amended. Governments will consult capitals on this. Para 40: US propose to amend ".the private sector and civil society based on.", but withdraws its "stylistic correction" to prevent that the already agreed paragraph is reopened. Para 43: Karklins suggests deletion of the paragraph as the issue is already covered. However, several governments want to keep two paras arguing that there are two different ideas behind them: Access for all people (with focus on people with disabilities) provided by vs. access for all countries. Honduras (G77) is asked to come up with a proposal that will take into account the concerns expressed e.g. by Norway on the unclear formulations of the text. Para 45: A shortening of the paragraph is agreed: "We reaffirm our strong resolve to develop and implement an effective and sustainable response to challenges and opportunities of building a truly global Information Society that benefits all our people." Tomorrow's negotiations will focus on Implementation and Follow-up. (Notes taken by Jette Madsen and Philippe Dam)
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 This is a short up-date on the meetings of the 'closed' intersessional negotiation group (Wednesday 26 Oct. 2005 Morning session 10-13 ). The meeting started very late (10:50). Implementation and follow-up (Chapter 1 and 4) Ambassador Karklins started the meeting by presenting the document DT-26, circulated two weeks ago. This document contains the proposal to change the structure and draft it in one chapter on implementation and follow-up. Based on this assumption, he drafted proposal contained in document DT-26. In its part on implementation and follow up, it is based on DT-9 Rev. 2. Mentioning that some delegations would need more time to analyse the new proposed document DT-26 on Chapter 1 and 4 (Implementation and Follow-up), which was circulated two weeks ago. He therefore proposed to proceed with Political Chapeau and Chapter 2 before dealing with Chapter 1 and 4 this afternoon. Back to DT-12 Rev 2. (political Chapeau) Paragraph 9, after further consultation yesterday Based on the new proposal from Russia, some delegations raised concerns about the responsibility of states and other stakeholders (UK, Canada). Karklins called for revisiting this paragraph at later stage Paragraph 12, replacing 11, 12 and 19 Discussion is still under way in drafting group and we could not deal with that paragraph. Paragraph 22 Agreed with the text as discussed yesterday after support from capitals: "We urge governments using the potential of ICTs, to create public systems of information on laws and regulations, envisaging a wider development of public access points and supporting the broad availability of this information.". Paragraph 32 and 33 (consultations by El Salvador) El Salvador is conducing on going consultation, further information would be available this afternoon only. Paragraph 34 and 35 (cultural diversity, by UK) UK: drafting group today, but still need to consult capitals over lunch time. Paragraph 37 It was adopted ad referendum pending the clearance of the capitals yesterday. UK requests a little more time at this time, and we would come back to this later on. Paragraph 39 The negotiation on this paragraph was reopened yesterday by the USA. On the contrary, G77 supported that the wording initially agreed yesterday on public policy should be maintained. G77 would like to see references to para 40 of the Geneva Declaration (enabling international environment for foreign direct investment) to the existing reference to it paragraph 39 (rule of law and public policy). We were sometimes closed to a reinterpretation on the text of the Geneva Declaration paragraphs 39 and 40. Ambassador Karklins finally proposed a drafting group to be coordinated by Brazil and the USA, mandated to come with consensus proposals by 24 hours. Paragraph 43 (consultation by Honduras) Honduras asserted that the position of the G77 was that this wording for para 43 should stay as it was. No consensus could be found on this question of international cooperation. The chair recommended a next reading after consultation with capitals. Paragraph 45 The G77 demanded the reopening of the negotiation on this paragraph, and to keep the 1st sentence deleted yesterday, and putting the last sentence, agreed yesterday, as a new paragraph 45A. UK, Canada and the USA agreed to reopen this paragraph and to discuss it later after the negotiation groups decide on an implementation mechanism. Conclusion: We removed one bracket from political chapeau (para 22) Establishment of a new group by USA and Brazil on paragraph 39. Reopening of discussion on one paragraph (para 45) No progress on other paragraphs DT-27 (financial mechanisms and G77 proposals) Delegations accepted to open discussion on new proposed paragraphs 20A and 27A, but without guarantee that a solution could be found in the end, since it was previously agreed that no new idea would be add during the negotiation groups. UK stressed that if the negotiation group agreed to discuss new paragraphs, we would need other stakeholder to be allowed to make inputs on this since it is important that they could propose their views before States discuss. Please refer to the scanned document we attached yesterday with G77 new proposals. New paragraph 20A (transfer of technology) After a discussion on the use of "preferential terms" or "on mutually agreed terms", Ambassador Karklins proposed to leave "preferential terms" in brackets so that this new paragraph would be revisited at later stage. New paragraph 27A (trans-national corporations) The decision focused on the new concepts of "corporate developmental / social responsibility" and "responsibility of trans-national corporations" (which is regularly discussed in Geneva in the context of the Sub-Commission on Human Rights). Acknowledging that it would be difficult to get an agreement on this within two days, Ambassador Karklins proposed to stop here the discussion, and demanded the other delegations to circulate its alternate wording. Paragraph 33 Agreed Philippe Dam
Find below a summary of today's afternoon session in the intersessional negotiation group. Best regards, Jette Madsen Wednesday 26 October, afternoon session After the delegations had had time to have a look at DT26 again, they agreed to use it as a basis for negotiations. Elements from DT9 will be brought in whenever a delegation feels that a part is missing. In the beginning of the meeting, Canada stated that it did not felt comfortable discussing multi-stakeholder participation in the implementation without the presence of other stakeholders.This was supported by UK (EU). The EU also addressed that an ITU proposal was made available in the back of the room. The EU stated that it was not fair that one organisation had been given the privilege to make a proposal in the intergovernmental meeting and that they hoped this privilege would be extended to other stakeholders. The chair replied that he would inform the stakeholders about this at his briefing tomorrow morning. Reading of para 1-10: Para 1-6 was agreed with few, not very substantial changes. Para 7: Para. 9 was moved back in the end of para 7, so as para 7 now stands as para 4 stood in DT9. Agreed. New paras 7A and 7B: G77 proposed that new 6bis from DT9 was inserted as a new para 7A. US preferred the language in newest 6bis. As there was not agreement on this, Karklins proposed to let both paras stay in the text in brackets. Para 8: Agreed Para 9: moved to 7(see above) Para 10: Iran wanted 93mutually-agreed terms94 to be conditioned to the results of negotiations on para 20 in chap. 2. US would not commit to this. Para was not agreed. New paras 10a and 10b: Honduras proposed to insert 6bis and 9B from DT6 after para 10.Not agreed. 93Conceptual reading94 of para 23-30: With about an hour left, the chair proposed to move to paras 23-30 for a 93conceptual reading94 to find out whether governments could agree in principle on these paragraphs. There was general support to the conceptual framework of the text. In the following is highlighted some of the positions that were expressed. Chile noted that its proposal on follow-up that was not reflected in the new text: [49A: We request ECOSOC, through its Commission on Science and Technology for Development, to oversee the systematic coordination, review and policy debate of the Geneva and Tunis outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.]] The Chilean proposal was supported by Nicaragua and El Salvador. El Salvador also recalled the solution in the GFC paper, where UNSG is asked to set up coordination within a specific date. Ghana (African group) said that they were working on a redrafting of the Annex, which they will submit tomorrow. UK (EU) stated that their basic building blocs was - Implementation in a system wide and coordinated way, which should follow resolution 57/270B. - let it be up to each UN agency to decide for themselves how to implement (within this reference to stakeholders). No need to blueprint role for any specific agency (in the briefing with EU after the meeting, it was clarified that this meant no Annex) - SG should coordinate the implementation between agencies - Not miss experiences of agencies or multistakeholders - Follow-up within ECOSOC - Need to look for a way to fit in a multistakeholder approach with this At the briefing with EU after the meeting, the UK expressed that the EU liked the idea of the Chilean proposal and would like to see the proposal included in the text in brackets to keep it in the discussion. Russia: in favour of approach building on experiences of UN agencies. Egypt, Iran and Brazil wanted more weight to the follow-up of the WSIS process than reports to ECOSOC. Jette Madsen
Today the intersessional negotiation Group went through paras 11-31 in DT26 (Implementation and Follow-up). You can find reports from the morning and afternoon session below. Best regards, Jette Madsen Intersessional Negotiation Group, Thursday 27 October At the morning briefing with Amb Karklins, we were today informed that, following the request from EU yesterday, it would now be possible for all stakeholders to have their position papers placed in the back of the room. MORNING SESSION At the morning session, the delegations went through para 11-20 in DT26. At the beginning of the meeting, Karklins reminded that only 12 hours remained to conclude on Political Chapeau, Financing Mechanisms, and Implementation and Follow-up. He asked the delegations to be as constructive as possible and not come in with random suggestions at this late stage. Night sessions will not be a possibility in respect for the delegates who celebrated Ramadan. Further, he reminded that they yesterday had agreed that paragraphs from DT9 would stay in brackets to be reviewed in a second reading. Para 11, 11a, 11b, 11c were agreed with few, mostly editorial changes. In para 11c, a reference to 93older persons94 was inserted. Para 11d (training and education of women): Russia had strong difficulties with the paragraph. They wanted the reference to 93civil society representatives94 deleted and questioned the meaning of 93e-government process94. Either the paragraph should be deleted or made clearer. The chair asked Russia to work on the text and come with new language by tomorrow morning. Iran asked that 7p from DT9 could be brought into the text. On this the chair replied that 7p repeats para 10 in DT26. After having reconsidered its proposal, Iran agreed that it was covered in para 10, but that it was pending on the outcomes of the negotiations of para 10. Para 11e Thailand proposed insertion of 93and use of assistive technologies94 (agreed). Para 11f: Agreed with slight editorial changes UK asked that old 7d on community volunteering could be included from DT9. US supported re-incorporation and will lead consultations on how it can be done. Paras 11g, h, i and j was agreed with few editorial changes. Paras 11k (educational, scientific and cultural institutions): US proposed to change 93affordable94 to 93free94 and that 93and community connectivity94 should be amended after 93improve it-literacy94. Cuba and Honduras opposed the change of 93affordable94 to 93free94. It was decided that US would work on it and come up with a proposal at three. Para 11l: Language was changed so that it is consitent with para 35 in political chapeau: 93local and/or indigenous languages.94 UK(EU) proposed the amendment 93and improving quality e-content94, but Canada stated that the proposal did not make sense in this paragraph. It was decided that EU should present a new paragraph on quality e-content at three. 11l was agreed. Para 11m: There were some discussions on if the paragraph should only refer to traditional media as some delegations argued the original purpose of the paragraph had been, or if the reference to new media should stay. Further, the delegates went into a lengthy discussion on a comma. In the end, the paragraph was agreed with an amendment of 93inter alia94 in front of radio and television. Para 11n on freedom of press will await the results of consultations lead by Norway and Iran on para 4-5 in Political Chapeau Para 11o: US wanted a reference to 93proper disposal of ICT waste94 Egypt argued that as many developing countries do not have the resources to do this, text about assisting developing countries in addressing this problem should be added. Egypt will come up with new language. Para 11p: Discussion between Iran and US on the concept of 93co-regulatory94. Chair asks the two to exchange views bilaterally. New para 11q: Chile came up with a new proposal: 93Promoting the development of advanced research networks of national, regional and international levels in order to improve collaboration in science, technology and higher education.94 Karklins stated that on procedural grounds, he would refuse the proposal, but if everybody was willing to accept the proposal as it stood, he would allow it to be included. Objection from one single government would mean deletion. The proposal was circulated in paper form and in the end of the meeting; Karklins gave governments 15 seconds to object. As nobody objected, the proposal was adopted referendum. Para 12 with subparagraphs (disaster reduction) Australia stated that it had many changes to the para and to save time, they proposed a short meeting between interested delegations. Pakistan on behalf of Asia wanted to introduce old o+n from DT9. It was decided that Australia and Pakistan would lead informal consultations and present a result tomorrow. Para 13 (Child helplines): EU and US wanted to take out the specific reference to 3 and 4-digits (technical problem) Russia found the word 93undertake94 too strong and proposed it replaced with the less binding 93recommend94 or 93seek94 India raised the question of who will pay and proposed to insert language on 93mobilise resources94 Canada wanted to educate children on how to use emergency lines also Chair proposed simplification: 93We seek to make available children phone lines in each country.94 Iran stated that developing countries don92t have the resources and that resource problem should be accommodated, whereas US had a problem with 93we seek to mobilise resources94, if we meant the governments. Finally, it was decided that will lead consulations on this. Para 14 was agreed without discussion. Para 15 was not touched as Karklins is consulting governments on this paragraph. Para 16: agreed Para 17: Karklins has conducted informal consultations on this also and results leaved him to believe that the paragraph as drafted will be acceptable. Only El Salvador had a problem with the paragraph and it was decided that the delegate from here should consult his capital. Agreed ad referendum Para 18-19: Russia insisted on inserting a reference to 93the leading role of governments94. This was opposed by Canada and USA and the paragraphs were left square bracketed. Para 20: South Africa wanted 93framework94 changed to 93mechanism94 and was supported on this by Iran, Brazil and Cuba (the latter arguing that the term already had been used in para 61 in Geneva Declaration of Principles) whereas Canada opposed. It was decided to move on and leave the two possibilities in brackets as the discussion reflected more substantive differences. AFTERNOON SESSION: In the afternoon, the negotiations group came to the more contentious paragraphs on international implementation. However, the session started with presentation of new text that had been drafted on community volunteering, quality e-content and children helplines New para 11r: 93Promoting volunteering service at the community level to help maximize the developmental impact of ICTs.94 (agreed) New para 11s: 93Strengthening the creation of quality e-content and innovative applications at national, regional and international level.94 The EU proposal did not gain support and the EU was asked to reconsider its proposal. New para 13: 93We seek to make available child help lines in all countries and to mobilise appropriate resources94 UK expressed surprise that the delegations could not at least agree on freephone, international standards and all phones in principle. Karklins will continue consultations. Then they continued from para 21 (implementation at the national level). Cuba proposed replacement of framework with mechanism. Both were kept in brackets and the paragraph 93agreed conditionally94, meaning that the final decision on the terminology would depend on the rest of the document. Then the negotiations moved back to new paras 10a and 10b (newest 6bis and 9B that yesterday was included from DT9 on a request from G77): Para10a: 93International and regional organizations should assess and report regularly on universal accessibility of nations to ICTs, with the aim of creating equitable opportunities for the growth of ICT sectors of developing countries.94 Was agreed as it stands in 28c in Geneva Plan of Action. Para 10b: 93Appropriate indicators and benchmarking, including community connectivity indicators, should clarify the magnitude of the digital divide, in both its domestic and international dimensions, and keep it under regular assessment, and tracking global progress in the use of ICTs to achieve internationally agreed development goals, including those of the Millennium Declaration.94 Australia proposed insertion of a sentence in the end: 93The development of these should take place in a collaborative, cost-effective and non-duplicative fashion.94 The paragraph will be revisited in the next reading. Para 22 was agreed without major changes. Para 23: Canada proposed a reference to res. 57/270B in the chapeau to the paragraph. Para 24 (Intergovernmental implementation and follow-up) Iran proposed a new amendment in the end of para 24: 93In this regard, bearing in mind paras 11 and 12 of UN Res. 270B, request the UN Secretary General to establish within the Chief Executive Board (CEB), a UN Group on Information Society (UNGIS), chaired by ITU in collaboration with UNESCO and UNDP, with the mandate to facilitate the implementation, evaluation and follow-up of WSIS outcomes and to report to the coordination segment of ECOSOC, for further follow up through functional commission on science and technology.94 The delegations seemed to like the proposal, although some of them said they would have to read it more carefully. EU made another proposal: 93The systemwide organisation of implementation activities should follow res. 270 para 11 and 12. We therefore invite all international organisation the relevance of their activities85 Request Secretary General to submit a report by July 2006 that includes concrete proposals on coordination as part of annual report to ECOSOC.94 (quotation is incomplete) The proposal could substitute language both in 26 and 24. Chile asked for flexibilty for Secretary General to decide which institutions, as it might be others than UNESCO, UNDP and ITU and proposed the Commission on Science and Technology as the coordinating body. SG should submit an annual report on implementation to the ECOSOC. Egypt would preferred reporting to UN assembly 93to widen the scope94 and stated that it maybe will come up with language tomorrow. Para 27 (Multistakeholder implementation): The African group wanted to delete the paragraph as they found the reference to both 93international94 and 93bottom-up94 inconsistent. However, they wanted to keep the Annex that is referred to in para 27. Brazil, El Salvador, Cuba, Iran and Japan wanted to keep both para 27 and the Annex. On the other side, Canada, Australia and US wanted to delete the Annex and the reference to moderation/facilitation by UN agencies in the end of para 27. UK (EU) would also like to delete the annex and proposed a merging of 27 and 29: 93Multistakeholder implementation should be bottom-up. Where appropriate it should be carried out along the action lines and themes of the Plan of Action and facilitated by UN agencies. The experience of, and activities undertaken by UN agencies in the WSIS process 96 notably ITU, UNESCO and UNDP 96 should continue to be used to their fullest extent. It should not require the creation of any new operation bodies. Chair proposed that the delegations would meet in the Canadian mission tomorrow morning for informal discussions on Annex + paras 27 and 29. Para 28 (indicators): US and Australia proposed deletion. Honduras (G77) did not wanted complete deletion 96 language should be incorporated in 31. Chile proposed to change the structure of the text and place paras 31-34 before para 20. Para 29 Australia and Canada expressed interest in the EU proposal (see above). Russia propose amendment to para 29: 93these agencies should play the leading managerial role in organizing activities along action lines as mentioned in the Annex.94 In relation to the discussions on para 29, Canada expressed that it was increasingly concerned that the governments were discussing multistakeholder implementation without the other stakeholders. In consequence, they should not take any decisions on multistakeholder implementation before PrepCom-3, where stakeholders can express their opinions. Chair answered that he met with stakeholders every morning and that papers were available in the back of the room as a reminder of stakeholder positions. Para. 30: EU proposes to move the paragraph higher up as it sets the premise for creating the modalities of multistakeholder activities. Chile asked that its proposal on the Commission on Science and Technology could be inserted in the text. Karklins replied that he believed the Chilean proposal in part already was covered in the Iranian proposal Para 31: Ghana wants to change 93welcome94 to 93note94 in front of 93the launch of the Digital Opportunity Index.94 Canada object to this 96 either we welcome all or do not mention any of tehm Honduras (G77) propose inclusion of elements from para 28 included in para 31. Karklins replied that it might be relevant to have one paragraph on measuring icts and one on digital opportunity index. He will try to propose text that takes this into account tomorrow morning. Iran would like a reference to UN statistical commission. Tomorrow morning, the session will start with outstanding issues in political chapeau and chapter 2, and then the negotiation group will move on to implementation and follow-up.
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 Find below a report from today's morning session of the Negotiation Group. Best regards, Jette Intersessional Negotiation Group, 28 October - morning session This morning the Negotiation Group began with outstanding issues in Political Chapeau and Chapter 2. Then the governments carried on with Implementation and Follow-up and finished the first reading of DT26. Political Chapeau The delegations agreed that the name of the document will be "Tunis Commitment." Para 3 was not discussed as agreement on this will probably need to be found within a bigger package. Para 4-5: Norway reported that informal consultations had identified where the governments disagree, but agreement had not been reached yet. Ghana had proposed to draft a new text based on para 4 and incorporating elements from para 5. Karklins concluded that it would be difficult to reach agreement on this paragraph today and decided to postpone the negotiations to the first day of the resumed PrepCom-3 Para. 9 on the "leading role of governments" UK stated that they had conducted consultations, but they had not come to agreement with the delegation (Russia) that put the paragraph. The paragraph will go to Tunis in brackets. Para. 12: The chair had conducted consultations with the most interested governments on this paragraph and chair's proposed text was agreed without discussion. Para new 23A (former 43): Agreed referendum as US asked for the possibility to come back later on the day. Para 32-33: El Salvador reported that they needed a little more time to come up with a language. The Negotiation Group will revisit it at 3 pm. Para 34 and 35: UK presented a new para 35, mentioning that one nation still had reservations on the second part of the new paragraph. The new EU proposal was not adopted, but the delegations agreed to let it substitute the existing paras 34 and 35 Para 37: EU could not accepted the word "commit" and proposed it replaced with "strive". Egypt objected to this and was asked by the chair to come with new proposal and consult with EU on it before 3 pm. Para 38: deleted Para 39: New proposal by Brazil and US. Agreed without discussions. Para 45 was not discussed as it is pending on the results of the negotiations on implementation and follow-up. Summary: Para 12, 23A and 39 was agreed or agreed referendum. Para 3, 4-5, 9, new 35 and 45 will go to Tunis in brackets. The negotiation group will revisit 32-33 and 37 this afternoon. Financing Mechanism In chapter 2 three outstanding issues remained: para 20, new 27B and 37F Para 20 and 20A was not resolved. Para 20 will go to Tunis with "transfer of technology" in square brackets and in para 20A it is still not agreed on what terms the technology transfer shall take place. The developing countries insisted on "preferential terms", whereas developed countries wanted "mutually agreed terms". Both Egypt and the chair came up compromise proposals and despite a long discussion, agreement was not reached 27B on good corporate governance of Transnational Corporations will be revisited at 3 pm, where the G77 again will be asked to agree to delete it. US, Canada, Israel and Australia asked for deletion and UK (EU) stated that also CCBI had asked for deletion. Karklins asked the G77, if they could accept a deletion as it would be difficult to reach agreement also at the resumed PrepCom. Honduras stated that they would have to discuss it within G77. 37F: Agreed with deletion of "existing". Implementation and follow-up (DT26) Para 31 (indicators): The chair proposed new text, where the paragraph was divided into two new subparas. On a request from G77 new 10B (9B from DT9) had been moved to the section on indicators. Subpara a) and b) was merged. Subpara e) was deleted as almost identical to c) Dominican Republic propose a reference to "indicators that measure gender digital divide in its various dimensions" in 31, but it was proposed that this should be incorporated in 11d instead, when this was revisited tomorrow. 31A: Mali and Senegal had reservations on 31A, as they did not want to approve the Digital Opportunity Index, before it had been launched. UK proposed a rewording that was placed in square brackets 31b: Was first agreed, but then the "(Agreed)" was removed again by US Para 32 and 33: Agreed 34 (stocktaking): South Africa wanted to change "a" to "one of the valuable tools" to underline that the Stocktaking Report is not the only option. UK found the last sentence too prescriptive and wanted to change it to "we invite all countries to gather information at the national level". Canada supported, but Senegal objected to the deletion of "mechanism" As only 12 minutes was left Karklins cut off the discussions and asked if the delegations could adopt the paragraph as it stood. As they could not, it will go to Tunis in brackets. 35: Will go to Tunis in brackets 36: Cuba "We decide to make an overall review of the implementation of the WSIS outcome by 2010." Iran proposed the amendment of the word "annual". Karklins replied to both that he would not accept such amendments in this paragraph as the described report was purely procedural. The issues should be addressed in the negotiations of Agreed. The afternoon session will start with 32-33, 37, deletion of 37b of political chapeau and then continue with implementation and follow-up. Karklins stated that if quick agreement was not reached on a paragraph this afternoon, it would go to Tunis. Jette Madsen CONGO - WSIS CS Secretariat
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 Find below the summary of this afternoon's meeting of the WSIS negotiation group. It mainly focused on implementation and follow-up. I will refer in the report below on the revised text of the operational document (implementation and follow-up: WSIS-II/PC-3/DT-26 (Rev. 1)) and to the existing room documents, mostly available now on the ITU webite After consulting delegations, Karklins decided that the negotiation group would keep DT-9 open together with DT-26 and continue to import elements from DT-9. Paragraph 11 d (Russia lead discussion group) 96 Education for girls and women, room doct. 11 Russia presented its consensus text with general reference to training and education. UK proposes new language: 93promoting effective training and education, particularly on ICT science and technology94. Brazil, supported by Canada, requested the element referring to decision making should not be deleted from the later version, which was then rejected by Russia. Both proposals would be kept and brought for resumed PrepCom-3. Paragraph 11 k (USA) 96 Libraries and free access Proposed by the USA and amended by Australia, agreed as follows: : 93supporting educational, scientific, and cultural institutions, including libraries, archives and museums, in their role of developing, providing equitable, open and affordable access to, and preserving diverse and varied content, including in digital form, to support informal and formal education, and in particular supporting libraries in their public service role of providing free and equitable access to information and improving research and innovation and to improve ICT literacy and community connectivity particularly in underserved communities;94 Agreed Paragraph 11 L 96 Quality education Ecuador proposed to add 93dialect94 in addition to language, before withdrawing its proposed amendment. Agreed Paragraph 11 L2 96 Quality of E-Content 93strengthening the creation of quality e-content, on national, regional and international levels94 Israel would add 93e-content, taking into consideration the ethical dimensions of information society, on national8594, but not accepted by the UK. Chairman suspended the discussion, will be discussed in Tunis. Paragraph 1 n (Norway - Iran) 96 Independence and Plurality and media Norway reported that concerned delegations did not have the time to discuss this issue properly. Proposed the non-consensual wording: 94Consistent with the rule of law, we commit the development of domestic legislation that guarantees the independence and plurality of media8594. Chairman re-conducted drafting groups of Norway and Iran. Paragraph 11 o (Egypt) 96 ICT and environment Russia: proposes to introduce 93the importance of the responsible use of8594. Egypt: on the last new sentence of this paragraph on the specific needs of developing countries. Agreed Paragraph 11 p (Iran and USA) 96 Co-regulation This was almost agreed yesterday, except by Iran who withdrew its proposed amendment today: we delete 93co-regulatory94 from DT-26. Agreed Paragraph 11 q (new proposal from Chile proposed yesterday) 96 creation of research networks Agreed New paragraph 11 s (Argentina) - 93by promoting the use of ICT to enhance flexible ways of working, including teleworking, leading to greater productivity and job creation94. Supported by GRULAC and G77. Egypt: proposes 93flexible methods of working94 Chair: at this stage it is take-it-or-leave-it. Agreed as it stands. Agreed Paragraph 12 96 Disaster reduction Room Document 9 for new proposal on drafting group. Pakistan: small amendment 93a) promoting technical cooperation and enhancing the capacity94. Agreed Paragraph 13 (new proposed text by EU, Indian, USA and Iran) 96 Child helpline Russia stressed importance of national legislation and economic elements and proposed that this should be on the basis of existing legislations and in accordance with existing rules and procedures. UK highlighted that the wording proposed by Russia did not convey the right message, so that Karklins kept the original para. 13 of DT-26, with UE proposal as alternate and would carry it to Tunis. Paragraph 15 (informal consultation on this paragraph by Chairman) 96 unilateral measures New text based on Karklins92 consultations did not get any consensus. The Chairman suspended the discussion with the understanding that he would continue to search for acceptable agreement. Paragraph 17 (agreed ad referendum yesterday) 96 policy environment No objection from Salvador, hence agreed Paragraph 18 and 19 (Russia) 96 multi-stakeholder participation and cooperation Yesterday Russian proposed amendment to insert a reference to 93the leading role of governments94 was rejected and there is no further agreement today, unless Russian federation withdrew its amendment of yesterday. Russia leaves its proposed amendment in the text. Paragraph 25 (proposal by Spain and consultation) 96 Information Society Day Spain proposed to keep in bracket to the reference to the dates and leave the rest of the paragraph as agreed. There is unanimity on the text but the date must still be considered. The text would be brought on this form to Tunis to make a deeper search on the modalities and on who should do what. Paragraphs 23 and so Ambassador Karklins presented the informal answer he received from the UN in New York: he was said the configuration of an interagency mechanism is a prerogative of the system itself. A World Summit cannot tell CEB or SG to create any body. The GA however can do that and can give general guidance, such as set up in GA Resolution 57-270B, but cannot dictate elements. This can only be decided by agreement among agencies, and only agencies can decide which one should chair. The SG cannot decide to create or not a CEB mechanism or not, but only propose, then it is up to agencies can agree or not. Karklins stated he did not fully agree with this analysis, referring to the WSIS Geneva Declaration 2003 which demanded the establishment of 2 working group, and the UN SG did it before the GA Resolution endorsing the outcome of the Summit. In addition, Janis Karklins underlined the long practice that UN Summit declaration are endorsed by the UNGA so that in his view a World Summit can give guidance On the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development: In its present composition, the UN CSTD cannot provide a framework for follow-up or intergovernmental political review. CSTD was mentioned as reconstructed commission, which requires ECOSOC decision, which is certainly doable. This morning, I circulated copies of the UN Handbook (I will scan it and mail it to the CS Plenary list fyi over the week end). Paragraph 23 Canada is comfortable with this approach. Russia was comfortable with A723 in isolation, but reserved the right to come back to 23 later for better inter-linkages with other paragraphs. Paragraph 24 2 proposals: Iran (supported by G77): creation of UN Group on the Information Society within the UN CEB. UK Egypt proposed to replace the 1st sentence of DT-26 existing para 24 by the DT9 A720b which reads as follows: 93Each UN agency, within its mandate and competencies, and based on decisions of their respective governing bodies, and in line with UNGA Resolution 57/270 B, should facilitate activities among different stakeholders, including civil society and the business sector, to help national governments in their implementation efforts94 Chair reminded that the decision of governing bodies is already mentioned in A723. Chile proposed to divide paragraph 24 in 3 parts: 1st sentence / CEB for coordination modality / ECOSOC and its commission92s role (second part of the UK proposal). UK insisted to add 93including on participation of multi-stakeholder94. Chile proposed to change the UK - EU text so that the UN SG would report in June 2006 and not in July 2006 (before ECOSOC substantive session). In addition, this should be two separate paragraphs (he will submit a possible reformulation in writing, to be available on the ITU early next week). Finally States agreed that the Egyptian/G77 proposal, with adequate changes to avoid repetition with other paragraphs, would replace the previous Iranian proposal, as follows: Proposal from Egypt for Para 24 (last part) of DT/26 (Rev. 1) 93In this regard, bearing in mind UNGA Resolution 57/270 B entitled "Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic and social fields" and emphasizing the important responsibility of intergovernmental bodies to further promote the implementation of the outcomes of the major UN conferences and summits, we request the UN Secretary-General to establish within the CEB a UN group on the Information Society, chaired by the ITU, and consisting of the relevant UN organs and organizations with the mandate to facilitate the implementation, evaluation and the follow-up of WSIS and to report to the UNGA, on an annual basis [, through the coordination segment of ECOSOC for further follow-up through the functional UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development].94 Paragraph 26 Deleted because it was repeating elements of Egyptian and Iranian proposals. Paragraph 27 and 29 (UK proposal to merge 27 and 29) 96 multi-stakeholder participation Honduras and Ghana supported that the Annex to Paragraph 27 should be retained and remained open to new elements. Ghana proposed that Egypt proposed to delete the mention of a 93bottom-up94 approach. Karklins demands Egypt not to insist on this proposal, but later on accepted to leave it in square brackets. Canada concluded that we should keep a non prescriptive approach of this annex. Political Chapeau, paragraph 32 Chair proposes to replace new propose 32 and 33 by Salvador proposal for 32. UK refused and preferred to keep the former version. Ambassador Karklins concluded that all what was still un-agreed at this stage would be brought for further discussion in Tunis. The next governmental Bureau meeting on 1st November would decide on the modalities for resumed PrepCom-3. Up-dated text under negotiation would be issues at the beginning of next week. Philippe Dam