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Update - 11 Nov
  • Creating Digital Opportunities 10 Dec 17-19H
  • Diversity in Cyberspace 11 Dec 11-13H
  • ICT as tools to achieve the Millennium Development Goals 11 Dec 15-17H
  • Empowering all citizens 12 Dec 10H30-12H30

According to the Proposed Format of the Geneva Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society WSIS/PC3-DOC-0008 R2 document (29 September 2003), the features of the Round Tables are ( our highlighting ) :

9. Round tables will take place during the Summit, in parallel with plenary meetings. These will run in a consecutive manner at the official Summit venue. The organization of the round tables is described in Annex 2

Annex 2 Organization of Round tables

1. Round tables will be organized to provide Heads of State or Government –or in their absence, Heads of Delegation--the opportunity to share their vision of the Information Society along with leaders from intergovernmental organizations, civil society (including NGOs) and business sector entities (including ITU sector members).

2 Each round table will run for two hours. The number and the schedule of the round tables will be determined by the Secretary-General of the Summit. The maximum number of round tables will be four.

3. The round tables will be organized around one overarching theme: “An Information Society for All: Opportunities and Challenges”. Three of the round tables will cover a cluster of related topics and the fourth round table will be more generic in nature.

4. To allow enhanced interactivity among participants, each round table will comprise up to 30 participants: 15 Heads of State or Government and 15 leaders from intergovernmental organizations, civil society (including NGOs) and business sector entities (including ITU sector members) . If the number of participating Heads of State or Government in a round table is less than 15, Heads of Delegation will be invited by the Secretary-General of the Summit to participate.

5. The round tables will be chaired by Heads of State or Government, who will be invited by the President of the Summit. The Chairmen of the round tables will come from the African Group, the Asian Group, the Eastern European Group and the Latin American Group.

6. Each round table will be moderated by an eminent personality who will assist participants with keeping discussions on track and interactive. Moderators will be nominated by the Secretary-General of the Summit, in consultation with participating States.

7. Each Head of State or Government—or in their absence Head of Delegation--participating in a round table may be accompanied by two advisers. Other participants may be accompanied by one advisor each.

8. The proceedings of the round tables will be broadcast to an overflow room that will be open to the media. They will also be broadcast through the Internet and television.

9. States will be invited by the Executive Secretariat to register their Heads of State or Government to participate in one of the round tables by 15 November. Heads of Delegation interested in participating in the round tables will be invited by the Executive Secretariat to inform the Secretariat by the end of November.

10. Palestine, in its capacity as observer, may participate in one of the round tables.

11. Intergovernmental organizations that are members of the High Level Summit Organizing Committee (HLSOC) will also be invited by the Executive Secretariat to register their Executive Heads to participate in one of the round tables by 15 November. The final decision rests with the Secretary-General of the Summit.

12 Participants from civil society (including NGOs) and from business sector entities (including ITU sector members) will be identified through their self-organizing mechanisms, in coordination with the Secretary-General of the Summit.

13. The reports of the round tables will be annexed to the final report of the Summit in accordance with past UN Summit practice.

14. The following documents will be provided by the Executive Secretariat to participants following their registration.

(a)Guidelines for participants : This document will provide participants with information on the conduct and time management of the round tables.

(b)Round table topics : The theme which has been identified for the round tables is broad and comprehensive. The Executive Secretariat will therefore describe, in this document, the scope of topics encompassed within the theme.

According to further information from the Civil Society division : there should be 20 participants in total from the civil society, which implies 5 CS participants to each round table comprising 30 participants ( about 16.6 % of the participants ).