

UN Context

Cardoso Report

WSIS Context

UNMSP Project

UNMSP Charter



From March 2005

PREPCOM3 of the TUNIS Phase ( Geneva, 19-30 September 2005 )

  • WGIG third meeting : Working Papers (Geneva, 18-20 April 2005). Awareness about the need of legal frameworks for Internet Governance is slowly emerging at the WGIG. Again, and as already discussed informally at the ICANN ( Cape Town, 1-5 December 2004 ) the need for a sound international legal status for ICANN is underlined. In the paper related to Towards a Common Understanding of the Roles and Responsibilities of all Stakeholders in Internet Governance , it is interesting to read : The scope for full participation by different stakeholder groups in the decision-making processes of intergovernmental organizations generally varies according to the nature of the governance mechanism. As pointed out above, the scope for involvement by non-governmental actors tends to greatest at the "soft" end of the governance scale, where "Private Public Partnerships (PPPs)" and other multistakeholder initiatives have emerged as new governance models. In contrast, it tends most restricted at the "hard" end of the scale, particularly in areas where enforceable international laws that provide significant sanctions are being created.
  • WGIG India comments : Excerpts : Based on the understanding of the issues as discussed above, we are of the opinion that internet should be governed by an inter-governmental, multilateral, multi-stakeholder international body

  • Late April 2005: Two new alternative multi-stakeholder financing mechanisms have been proposed by Dr. Muguet to the various concerned Civil Society Working Groups : Finance WG, Patents & Copyrights WG and Scientific Infomartion WG .
    • Companies, Institutions, Administrations may choose to voluntarily donate 10% of the savings they are making by their own estimate through the use of Free and Open Source Software ( FOSS ). The collected volontary donations shall be used to fund Free Software projects in the interest of bridging the Digital Divide or supporting Sustainable Development.
    • Companies, Institutions (Universities, Research & Funding agencies, Libraries), Administrations may choose to voluntarily donate 10% of the savings they are making by their own estimate as a consequence of the availability of free Scientific ( including Humanities ) and Technical Information through Open Access initiatives. The collected volontary donations shall be used to fund Open Access projects in the interest of bridging the Digital Divide or supporting Sustainable Development.
    Donors Companies, Institutions, Administrations shall receive the right to proudly display their positions as "WSIS Partners to Bridge the Digital Divide" or any other mention whose exact wordings shall be determined by the WSIS. The details of those two schemes needs to be worked upon. The Digital Solidarity Fund has shown a strong interest in implementing those mechanisms through specific Receiving Offices and Grant Committees within the Fund. It is reasonnable to hope that a recommendation concerning those two schemes can be ready to presented in September before the PrepCom3.

  • 8 May 2005: Deadline for Recommendations for UNESCO between two phases of the World Summit on the Information Society meeting.

  • 15 May 2005: Deadline for Comments on the WGIG papers

  • UNESCO between two phases of the World Summit on the Information Society - (17-19 May 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia )
  • Joint meeting of the High Level Group on Internet Governance (HLIG) with the European Civil Society ( 24 May 2005, Brussels, Belgium)

  • 31 May 2005 : Deadline for GFC contributions

  • Bruno Salgues: UNMSP, an innovative framework for Multi-Stakeholder structures, Inter-agency, multistakeholder meeting: supporting eLAC2007 June 7, 2005, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
  • WSIS regional meeting : Latin America and the Caribbean: 8-10 June 2005, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

  • Knowledge Economy, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Management, WFEO seminar ( 17 June, Tunis, Tunisia )
  • Government of Republic of Korea (MIC/KADO)/ITU : Thematic Meeting on "Multi-stakeholder partnerships for Bridging the Digital Divide" ( 23-24 June 2005, Seoul, Korea)

  • GFC5 ( 27 June 2005, Geneva )

  • GFC6 ( 4 July 2005, Geneva )

  • GFC7 ( 11 July 2005, Geneva )

  • ICANN Meeting, 11-15 July 2005, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

  • 18 July 2005: final report of the Working Group on Internet Governance ( WGIG)

  • PrepCom-3 ( 19-30 September 2005, Geneva )

  • Civil Society Parallel Events at the KRAM ( 14-19 November 2005,Tunis)
  • ICT4all exhibition ( 15-19 November 2005, KRAM, Tunis)

  • ICANN Meeting, November 30 - December 4 2005, Vancouver, Canada

  • Castellano


    Drafting Committee
