Recommendations 31 and 32 result from WSIS-Finance & WSIS-SI proposals inputs ( 27 May ) as adapted to circumstances
by Dr. Francis Muguet and further modified by govermments.
31. Recommends that Lead Facilitators conduct open multistakeholder consultations
on the way to improve the effectiveness and coherence of the annual clustering of
WSIS related activities;
32. Recommends that UNGIS organize focused open multistakeholder consultations
on the implementation of part B of the Tunis Agenda " Financial Mechanisms for
Meeting the Challenges of ICTs for Development";
Recommendation 31 might leave the way to ITU & UNESCO,
after open consultations, to a more attractive repackaging of the WSIS Cluster week.
A repackaging suggestion has been made during the
ITU Council Working Group - WSIS meeting
( 25-28 January 2008 )
according to the proposal of an Information Society Forum
This has been further discussed during
the 3rd WSIS Action Lines Facilitators Meeting ( 23 May 2007 ) - Listen to the
Recommendation 32 is of utmost importance, since it paves the way to the implementation of Financial Mechanisms.
It is the result of one year of patient work since the first proposal during the CSTD tenth session.
This recommendation was absent from the 20 May draft and appeared in the 28 May draft.
There has been some erosion of the language since the mechanism of Assessment lines is no longer
mentioned. One must be aware that if the proposal of assessment lines has not been set forward,
the recommendation would have had little chance for being accepted because no practical mechanism
would have been envisioned. It will remain to UNGIS to decide about the adoption of
assessment lines.
Since the WSIS-Finance group has been the driving force leading to this recommendation,
it is quite logical that it should be entitled to be recognized as a valid interlocutor.
This does not mean however that the WSIS-Finance group should be the sole CS interlocutor, or the
"UNGIS Civil Society Reference Group" for that matter.